Biodiversity Net Gain

What is measurable Biodiversity Net Gain?

Biodiversity Net Gain is an approach to development projects that aims to leave biodiversity in a better state than before.  It encourages a focus on increasing the measurable biodiversity value of a Site through appropriate habitat creation and enhancement measures.

Biodiversity Net Gain is underpinned by a number of good practice principles that provide a framework for working with BNG. These principles include the application of the mitigation hierarchy (avoid, mitigate, compensate) and does not negate the requirement for protected species surveys.

Net gain is claimed against the ecological baseline, which is measured through the classification and mapping of existing habitats within the Site.

Work with us to achieve biodiversity net gain

Our ecologists are trained in Biodiversity Net Gain Assessment, providing up to date advice on current guidelines and calculations using the Statutory Metric. We undertake detailed baseline survey work and mapping to support the assessment process, using the most relevant and widely accepted habitat classification techniques.

Native Ecology know that development can achieve a measurable contribution towards reaching biodiversity net gain targets within Local Plans. This is why we work closely with our clients to ensure that our ecological knowledge and experience is incorporated throughout the lifespan of a development project.

Early engagement is key, enabling us to work within a project team to identify opportunities, overcome constraints and optimise the potential for Biodiversity Net Gain within a development site. Our clear and concise reports provide evidence that a project has clearly implemented and adhered to the net gain principles, thus maximising the opportunities for a successful planning consent.

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