Our Introduction to Work Experience

And what’s next?

Did you do work experience?  

This is a question that came up during a recent team discussion at Native Ecology, prompting us to share our own experiences of the work placements we undertook during our early careers. These included:

  • Vets
  • Interior design company
  • Dog groomers
  • Country park warden
  • Entomological research 
  • Maternity ward

Whilst some of these experiences were formative and equipped us with valuable knowledge and experience for ecological consultancy, other placements were less worthwhile, including hours of cleaning, making tea and writing out the boss’ birthday invitations!    

The benefits of good work experience to the individual are clear; development of new skills, networking, an edge over the competition in the jobs market and an inroad into a new career. Often thought of as an altruistic act, the benefits to the employer are less well versed, with work experience placements often seen as a burden rather than bringing any benefits to the company. 

A recent survey showed that two thirds of employers look for graduates with relevant work experience, but are two thirds of employers willing to provide quality placements?


Our experience so far…

This is our first year of taking on work experience placements and we have already learnt so much. Like many employers, we had some concerns, these were around work load, resourcing and the logistics of providing a quality experience as well as any health and safety considerations with regards to young people in the workplace. 

As a team we have pulled together to provide the placements that we would have wanted for ourselves. This has boosted team morale, developed our own in-house coaching and mentoring skills and allowed more junior members of staff to work on supervisory roles.  

As we continue with our placements, we are keen to share our own experiences, particularly any challenges we face along the way and times when we have great results. Hopefully this will help other small businesses in the ecology sector consider taking on work experience placements.   

For now, I will end with a quote from one of our recent student placements: 

I found the work experience really interesting and a great way for me to learn what it’s like to be an ecologist. I’m really passionate about wildlife and the environment, but hadn’t really had much experience in ecology, so this was the perfect opportunity to learn more about possibilities for my future career! 

The PEA was really interesting and I really enjoyed going round the building looking for possible places for bats to hide- as I think Tara said, it’s like being the ecological Sherlock Holmes! It was really cool to learn all about the nature of bats; where they like to hide, when they hibernate and about maternity roosts. It was also very fun when we squished some droppings and found bat poo! 

I’ve also enjoyed the desk study. I found it really interesting to use Magic Map and KLIS to find out what designated sites, habitats and species are nearby. I found Magic Map pretty easy to navigate with the ‘Step by Step’, and so didn’t have any problems there.

I’ve got on well with everyone in the team and have really enjoyed my time here!

Lily, aged 16

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