Developers, Architects and Planning Consultants
Native Ecology provide comprehensive ecological services across commercial, residential and infrastructure projects for private and public sector. Our broad client base includes housing developers, Local Planning Authorities, Planning Consultants and Architects.
Our Team
Our senior consultants are highly trained members of the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management, who undertake continued professional development to ensure that our current knowledge of planning policy, wildlife legislation and survey protocol is always in line with industry standards.
Our core team is supported by a network of ecological consultants and niche local experts enabling us to meet demanding timescales for any sized project.
Our Services
Providing proactive ecological advice, we undertake and co-ordinate a comprehensive range of ecology surveys, matching the expertise of specialist ecologists to meet the requirements of a project.
Our services are based on the needs of our clients. From Preliminary Ecological Appraisals, through to detailed protected species surveys, we provide our baseline information and mitigation strategies in clear and robust Ecological Impact Assessment reports support planning applications for an extensive range of development projects.
Our ecologists are experienced and successful in the application of Natural England Licence applications, including for bats and great crested newts.
Working with us
We believe that the integration of ecology and development is fundamental in securing thriving communities and for the future of our natural environment. Our vision includes excellent working relationships and close collaboration within the development sector to provide an innovative and practical approach to biodiversity in the built environment.
To achieve a successful outcome for both biodiversity net gain and with our clients needs as a priority, we know that working within budget and scheduling constraints is vital.
We understand that project budgeting is a fundamental consideration of any development project and work closely with our clients to ensure that any ecological requirements are fully accounted for as early as possible.
We liaise closely with project teams to provide an interdisciplinary approach that plans for ecology constraints and opportunities from the outset, reducing the risk of budget restrictions resulting from re-scheduling and design amendments.
We always encourage early engagement to ensure that ecological constraints and opportunities are a key consideration from the beginning of a project, resulting in well-designed ecological integration.
Many ecology surveys are seasonal and can only be undertaken at certain times of year. This is also true for mitigation works during the construction phase of a development. Understanding these constraints at preparation stage will reduce any risk of delay, often eliminating it altogether.
Our survey calendar is a useful guide to the ecology season and our team are always on hand to provide advice on scheduling.