Natural England Licence Applications

Where avoidance measures are not possible, developments resulting in impacts to certain protected species require a Licence from Natural England prior to the start of works.

Licences include those for European Protected Species, including dormice, bats and great crested newts and some species protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act (1981), such as water voles.

Licence applications require a thorough understanding of development proposals and appropriate mitigation. This enables the successful submission of detailed information, including method statements and supporting plans.  

Our ecologists have an in depth understanding of the Licencing process and regularly apply for great crested newt and bat Licences for small and large scale projects on behalf of our clients. We support individual householders with extensions, re-roofing and demolish-rebuild as well as developers and architects who are project managing multi-phase housing schemes.

Our extensive experience enables a thorough explanation of each stage of the process, along with associated fees and timescales, so that our clients can be confident when planning and undertaking their development.

Once a Licence has been secured, we provide ongoing supervision and advice at key stages throughout the works to ensure compliance with Licence Conditions and a successful project outcome. 

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