An Ecological Impact Assessment identifies and evaluates the potential effects that development proposals may have on ecology, resulting in an EcIA report suitable for submission within a Planning Application.
The process
Biodiversity Net Gain Assessment
Achieving measurable biodiversity enhancement
Habitat Survey
Habitat and vegetation mapping
Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (PEA)
A site visit and desk study
Preliminary Roost Assessment (PRA)
Assessment of buildings for bat roost potential
Protected Species Survey
Species specific surveys to determine presence/likely absence, population and distribution of species.
- Badgers
- Bats
- Botany
- Dormouse
- Great Crested Newts
- Invertebrates
- Reptiles
- Water Voles
Mitigation and Enhancement Strategies
Detail and design of proposed species mitigation and identification of enhancement opportunities.
Ecological Impact Assessment (EcIA) Report
This combines the findings of the PEA, subsequent further survey work and strategy for mitigation and enhancement. This document is suitable for submission with a planning application.

Early Engagement
Whether small or large scale, it is important to begin the EcIA process at an early stage of project design and planning. This enables full consideration of any potential ecological constraints associated with proposals and can significantly reduce unnecessary delays.
Native Ecology provide effective liaison with design teams. Our clear communications from early stage development is key to future successful ecological mitigation and integration of biodiversity enhancement into projects.
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