Ecological Monitoring and Management


Monitoring and management of ecological features is key to ensuring successful and sustainable outcomes. With our evidence-based reporting, clients fulfil their planning and legal obligations as well as maximising their ecological credentials within the industry.

The type and scale of monitoring is dependent upon the ecological features present, species requirements and legal obligations.

Ongoing monitoring provides valuable information on the success and constraints of created and enhanced ecological features, enabling our clients to make informed decisions with regards to site management and resources.  The results generated through appropriate monitoring provide clear guidance for land managers and an early indication on the requirement for any remediation measures.  


Ongoing habitat management ensure the long-term success of important ecological features, such as ponds and grassland. Often an obligation under planning conditions or in relation to European Protected Species Mitigation Licences, Native Ecology undertake appropriate and sensitive practical habitat management tasks using our ecological expertise.

Underpinned by our detailed management plans and driven by specific objectives, long term success of created and enhanced environments provides successful outcomes for biodiversity and provide sustainable green and blue spaces for communities within residential developments. 




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