Ecology within your project

Our knowledgeable ecologists provide clear, cost effective advice and services for homeowners embarking on planning applications. We have extensive experience in managing ecology for all scales of project, including house extensions, renovation and roof works, barn conversions and demolition-rebuild.

Ecology and Planning Applications

Local Planning Authorities have a statutory duty to consider potential impacts of a development on protected species, habitats and statutory designated sites. This means that information regarding the presence or absence of protected species, important habitats and designated sites along with any appropriate mitigation and compensation measures should be submitted to the Local Planning Authority to inform a planning decision. This applies for all types and scale of project.

For most planning applications an Ecological Impact Assessment (EcIA) is required to provide the Planning Officer with all the relevant information. This usually comprises a single report containing results of surveys and any appropriate mitigation and compensation measures relating to specific species or habitats.

It is important to consider ecology in the early stages of planning a project. Our experienced ecologists are on hand and happy to discuss any project, explaining how ecological features may need to be considered and any next steps to take.

Ecological Assessment:
Each stage explained

Step 1 - Preliminary Ecological Appraisal

We assign one of our experienced ecologists to each project, meaning that our clients receive consistent advice and support throughout.

The first step of an ecological assessment is a Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (PEA). This includes a site walkover survey by the project ecologist and initial advice on possible mitigation measures and whether further survey work for protected species is recommended.

We liaise effectively with project teams, for example planning consultants, architects and landscape architects, to ensure that ecology within the planning process is as simple and time effective as possible.

Step 2 - Protected Species Surveys

If, following the PEA, further survey work for protected species is required to inform an EcIA, we provide a clear and concise rationale covering the need for surveys and any associated cost or time implications.

Protected species surveys are seasonal, therefore, we always ensure that our clients are aware of any constraints that this seasonality may have on their project timeframe. Our survey calendar gives an overview of survey timings for protected species.

If no further surveys are required we gather all other required information, such as detailed layout plans, to produce an EcIA report for submission as part of a planning application package.

Step 3 - Ecological Mitigation Strategy

Based on the results of any protected species surveys and in liaison with the project team, we design effective mitigation strategies and compensation measures appropriate to the development proposals and species involved. This could include careful timing of works to avoid breeding seasons, installation of features such as bat boxes, or the relocation of animals from a development site.

The results of surveys, together with the mitigation and compensation strategy is then detailed within an EcIA report suitable for planning submission.

Ecological Clerk of Works

Once planning approval is secured, our project ecologist will be on hand to provide Ecological Clerk of Works, including general guidance to ensure that planning conditions are met and onsite supervision through any key stages of works.

Speak to an ecologist for clear advice today

Useful Links

A Householders Guide to Engaging an Ecologist: Key considerations

The Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (CIEEM) have put together an excellent document to provide advice specifically for homeowners engaging with ecologists. This provides an overview as to why an ecologist is needed, how to find an ecologist and what to expect from an ecologists work.

What to Expect From a Bat Survey: A Guide for UK Homeowners

A short document from CIEEM providing advice specifically for homeowners on what to expect from a bat survey.

Biodiversity in Planning

The Biodiversity in Planning Wildlife Assessment Check is a free online tool for householders undertaking development projects. It provides a simple check to see whether a potential development project requires expert ecological advice.

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